Creating evokes an energy within me that keeps me exhilarated. I take pleasure in turning everyday objects into fine art. I enjoy the act of taking nothing and turning it into something by revamping overlooked items. Lately I have been making jewelry collages out of vintage yard sale finds, earrings from fishing tackle, and painting furniture. For as long as I can remember I have loved to paint and create things.
When I was around the age of twelve I use to paint whelk shells and sell them in the front yard of my childhood home. I remember painting things from ponies to even bugs bunny. These shells were given to me by my father, a local waterman in my home town of Chincoteague VA. Recently I started painting oyster shells and it brought me back to being a kid painting the whelk shells. The memory has been pleasant and seeing my dad bring me these shells flooded me with memories. I will continue this tradition while make art that keeps me rooted to hometown. I revel in jewelry making, collaging, screen-printing, stitching, repurposing furniture, decorative signs, oil and acrylic painting.
(Click Photo to Enlarge)

acrylic on oyster shell; 433 units 4' X 6' 2017

acrylic on oyster shell; 433 units 4' X 6' 2017

acrylic on oyster shell; 433 units 4' X 6' 2017