Visual art for Megan Newcomer is simply a process of documenting time. She tells her story through lace and leather (as represented through track suits and motorcycles) and she refused to be classified as just one. She mines the details in moments that happened too fast to capture, or too complicated to study. In those lost moments, however, she strives to create a crisper image, something to remember before she can forget. Her interests are sparked by personal events, which is evident in the repeated subject matter in her work, leather and lace. She has become obsessed with recreating both. An obsessive behavior can be either learned or innate—neither is better than the other. Motorcycles for Megan Newcomer are not simple metal objects complementing the laws of physics in order to look pretty and go fast. It was not learned, her obsession with riding was innate. The evolution of her passion for motorcycles are the breadcrumbs in her life. They tell her story. Lace contradicts the biker stereotype. It challenges this decked-out-in-leather masculinity. Therefore, she fines her own femininity in the delicacy of lace as well as in the contrasting leather.
Megan does not intend to make visual art a career. She sees her collection as a means of creating her autobiography, and challenging stereotypes in the process. She is a young, female rider, and she does not want to be
classified as a classic Harley rider that the Harley Davidson brand has built so well. She is a female entrepreneur, seeking to improve motorcycle safety. In order to do so, she must first master the trade. Reflecting on each documented piece allows her to see the flaws: a dominated male industry, an inaccurate stereotype, and no concern for motorcyclists as human. Her medium of choice is ink, but she is open to other media for practical purposes. Her process includes: adjusting lighting, blurring the unimportant, deepening the contrast, etc. If this cannot be done using one medium effectively, she problem solves. She seeks efficiency and reduced cost in media—a clear nod at her interest in business. She uses visual art as a means of stimulating thinking, and developing innovative solutions to document her development as a person and artist. These pieces are for documentation. Now, she’d like to tell you her story.
(Click Photo to Enlarge)

acrylic 48 x 36 2016

colored ink 16 x 12 2016

ink and chalk pastel 36 x 36 2017

acrylic 48 x 36 2016