What is language? What are those funny sounds that come out of our mouths when we encounter someone else?
What are these small characters (letters) that you are reading right now? Why do these little black shapes create, inside your head, an awareness about something?
It’s funny how the sounds and shapes that we call words can make a tremendous impact on others.
Why did we choose mouth sounds and visual shapes to be our way of communication?
Some of the reasons I can think of would be: it’s effortless, fast, and has a variety of options (sounds, letters) that if you arrange together in different ways can create different expressions (words, sentences).
The eyes and ears receive words, then the brain does the rest in combining and creating associations, thereby making the whole image.
(Click Photo to Enlarge)

But what if, someday, someone, somehow creates letters, sounds or images into a code that once you see or hear, you understand the entire message directly, no matter how long it is, even if it was one sentence or a whole book? A single frame or one hour and a half movie?
What if, instead of reading… we just… scan?
What is language?
What is code.