I want you to close your eyes very hard for a second.
Do it every time you read the word (BLINK).
I usually don’t create work that reflects me personally, at least not to this extent. I decided to (BLINK) create this piece as a way to hopefully convey a visual representation for how it feels to have (BLINK) Tourette’s. Sometimes I’m relaxed and you would never even notice I had the disorder; I’m one of the luckier people. It’s hard to (BLINK) really explain the disorder, because even doctors don’t quite understand it. Yes, they have theories and can make basic assumptions based on their knowledge of the brain, but there is no set in stone reason. (BLINK) I’ll do my best to explain: It’s as uncontrollable as having the hiccups, (BLINK) and it’s as if your brain is telling you that you need to complete this specific task (BLINK), and when you do, you feel better for a moment...a very brief moment, but then your brain tells you to do it again. (BLINK) These things my brain says to do are called ‘tics’ and everyone with Tourette’s has different tics. Some people can barely function day to day because it’s so bad, some even injure themselves with their tics. Mine are limited to sniffing, clearing my throat, making small noises here and there, and every now and again (BLINK)ing. I don’t get offended when someone finds it funny, because it is. And it’s better to embrace something with a positive attitude than to dwell on something I have no control over.
(Click Photo to Enlarge)