Feeling Right, 2017
Kiln cast, photography, vellum, new media
The imagery in Feeling Right is inspired by Rorschach ink-blot tests. I want you to take to opportunity to ask yourself: What do you do see and how does this make you feel? My photography is of other glass pieces I have made, as well as cracked glass pieces that would typically be thrown away are repurposed through my kaleidoscopic photography. The traditional mirror frames have been kiln cast creating a foggy surface which suggests that each piece is like a memory. We may only remember fragments, but their unique complexity is because of our perspectives. In this way, my work is a physical representation of thinking and memory.
I consider myself a multimedia performance artist with a deep appreciation and primary focus in glass. From an early age I have had a love for multiple art forms and through my time here at Salisbury University I have gained a new set of skills that have helped me create the work for this exhibition. I am grateful for every opportunity that has come my way and I am looking forward to continuing and expanding on this body of work in grad school someday.
Thinking Right to Left, 2017
Glass, Looped Video; 5 mins
Through these performances I demonstrate creative and literal interpretations of how the brain works. Like the video I often find myself code switching from artist to educator repeatedly and strive to find a good balance between the two. This contrast of abstraction versus traditional is emphasized through my installation design to mimic brain activity and how left side of the brain helps perform tasks that are structured and while the the right side allows us to be more expressive.
(Click Photo to Enlarge)