Do you remember the last time you saw a rainbow? No matter how bad the storm was before, something so beautiful came from such darkness. It makes you forget the past and focus on the present but you still remember the process and progression of getting there. Many of us face the same process of working through a storm to enjoy a little bit of happiness. As an artist and as a viewer, I cannot focus on the happiness part without also focusing on the storm.
For this exhibition, I’m sharing with the audience some of the struggles that people of the LGBTQ community have faced in the past, as well as where we are at now as a society. Spectrum is the process of the rainbow coming out after the storm. Through the layers of paint, history becomes unveiled. The color of the rainbow and the person representing that color shines through as the clouds of darkness fade away. Making art is my continuation of coming out. It is my voice but also a voice I share with many LGBTQ youth who are still finding or have yet to find for themselves. It is the same voice we all have that wants to change the world. It is the same voice society has tried to silence over the years, but little do they know, this is our reality. A reality that accepts someone for their true self rather than letting fear accept them. Some of these figures
might be gone from this world, but not from history. They continue to be an inspiration to those who want to follow in their footsteps.
(Click Photo to Enlarge)

oil and acrylic on canvas 2017 (7) 12" x 24" panels

Illustration 2017 11x17

oil and acrylic on canvas 2017 (7) 12" x 24" panels